
Showing posts from May, 2020

Preaching is the duty of sannyasis

Preaching is the Service that pleases Lord the most.  For one who explains the supreme secret to the devotees, devotional service is guaranteed, and at the end he will come back to Me. Bg 18.68 But we have distinctions for the proper functioning of the society, Varnasrama dharma. If everyone wants to engage only in preaching Service then who is there to take up other services?  all other services requires to be rendered for Krsna. In order to build a organized society, we need to introduce VAD.  Different persons have different priorities in devotional service.  Srila Prabhupada explains that  For  paramahaṁsas,  or  sannyāsīs  in the Vaiṣṇava order, preaching is the first duty.  Srimad Bhagavatam 7.13.9  For a brahmacari, the first duty is to serve the Spiritual master and learn the vedic knowledge.  For a Grhastha, maintaining family, charity, producing children, deity worship, yajna  For a vanaprastha, austerities and p...

Illicit sex is the cause of falldown of devotees

Illicit sex is the cause of fall down of devotees  Srimad Bhagavatam 6.5.16 Nārada Muni had said that there is a river flowing in both directions. The Haryaśvas understood the purport of this statement.] Material nature functions in two ways — by creation and dissolution. Thus the river of material nature flows both ways. A living entity who unknowingly falls in this river is submerged in its waves, and since the current is swifter near the banks of the river, he is unable to get out. What will be the benefit of performing fruitive activities in that river of māyā? In the purport to this verse, Srila Prabhupada writes,  One may be submerged in the waves of the river of māyā, but one may also get free from the waves by coming to the banks of knowledge and austerity. Near these banks, however, the waves are very strong. When one falls in the river of nescience, he is always tossed here and there by the waves, but the same māyā can also save him when be surrenders to Kṛṣṇa, or be...