Right to choose the husband

These days woman are given right to speech, vote, education etc, . I mean equal civil rights as that of men. Still women are the ones who suffer domestic violence, sexual harassment, marital rapes and unhappy marriages. Why??? Woman aren't given their deserved right to choose their spouse. The most important thing in a life for a woman is marriage. A happy marriage and good spouse can make her life but the opposite can ruin her life. My dear parents of girl children, the most important thing is you can give is, please give them the opportunity or right to choose their spouse. This was the Vedic culture. Do you know why woman's opinion is utmost priority in marriage? However a educated or influential woman may be, still 99% of the marriages are arranged because women are still submissive to their parents happiness even letting go of their own life. In manu samhita, it is said that whenever a man has...