Duplicitous behaviour in sadhakas
Once we've been initiated into process of devotional service, one must seriously consider that we're watering the seed, not weed. In course of practicing bhakti yoga, one may cultivate, anarthas (undesirable objects)- which are weeds surrounding suffocates the growth of bhakti lata bija. List of anartha is categorised as follows Primary anartha 1, kama (desire) , krodha (anger), lobha (greed) , moha (delusion), mada (madness) and matsarya (enviousness) Secondary anartha 2, kuṭi-nāṭi (duplicity) and pratiṣṭhāśā (the desire for name and fame and for high position), jīva-hiṁsā (envy of other living entities), niṣiddhācāra (accepting things forbidden in the śāstra), lābha (profit, desire for material gain) and pūjā (hankering for popularity). Tertiary anartha 3, subtle desires remain in the mind for impersonalism, monism, success and the four principles of religious activity (dharma, artha, kāma and mokṣa). By performance of ...