
Showing posts from July, 2020

What is Grhastha ashrama?

(In the picture HG Hari Pada Prabhu and HG Phalini Mataji)  Everyone wants to enjoy life with society, friends. Nobody wants to enjoy life alone. That is not possible. This is not natural. So wherefrom we got this idea, that I cannot enjoy alone? Just like generally a person is alone, but he gets a wife with a hope for enjoying family life, children, wife, friends.  Gṛha - kṣetra ,  ataḥ   gṛha - kṣetra -sutāpta- vittaiḥ .  Gṛha  means apartment, and  kṣetra  means land.  Gṛha - kṣetra - suta .  Suta  means children.  Ataḥ   gṛha - kṣetra - suta   āpta . Āpta  means friends, society.  Ataḥ   gṛha - kṣetra -sutāpta- vittaiḥ . Āpta  means friends, society, and to support all these things—g ṛha,  kṣetra ,  suta ,  āpta — there is required money,  vitta .   Vitta  means money.  Ataḥ   gṛha - kṣetra -sutāpta-vittair  janasya  moho 'yam  ...

Destination of a chaste woman

The woman who engages in the service of her husband, following strictly in the footsteps of the goddess of fortune, surely returns home, back to Godhead, with her devotee husband, and lives very happily in the Vaikuṇṭha planets. By serving one's husband faithfully, a chaste wife enters pati loka (she follows  the path of her husband) she reaches the same destination as that of her husband.  Patiloka is not separate place, if a wife serves her husband sincerely, husband becomes a pure devotee in this lifetime, he goes back to Godhead, then she also follows the same destination of going back to Godhead without separate endeavour. If husband is not a devotee, she reaches the same destination of her husband be it hellish or heavenly planets. If a wife is devotee, and chaste wife then Krsna arranges a suitable destination according to her advancement of Krsna Consciousness.  If a woman...

Practical importance of Vaisnava dress and behaviour in temple

Upon entering the temple compound Prabhupāda noticed a young Western hippie girl who was staying in the guest house. He cautioned the managers that people in such dress should not be admitted to the guest house simply because they are paying guests. We must use some discretion, otherwise the local residents will consider us no better than our hippie visitors. Akṣayānanda Mahārāja explained that the hippie girl had agreed to wear a  sari  when she arrived, but has now reverted to her old dress. Prabhupāda said “Yes, that is due to habit.” Akṣayānanda told Prabhupāda that recently one young man had arrived there dressed in a similar way, but after a few days he shaved his head and became a devotee. Prabhupāda told him that was all right, but meanwhile the temple will become known as a “hippie resort, and the prestige of the temple will be minimized.” Nevertheless, he agreed that we must give everyone a chance to become devotees; but if they do not change their habits...

Marriage in Spiritual life

Room Conversation about Marriage -- September 24, 1968, Seattle : Prabhupāda: Nice if she does not marry, that's nice. Anyone who has got children, he should not marry, I think so. Because marriage means not for sense gratification. Putrāyate kriyate bhāryā, putra-piṇḍa-prayojanam. To get nice son, that is the idea of marriage. Not for sense gratification. Those who are after sense gratification, according to Vedic scripture, they are, I mean to say, recommended to go to the prostitute. Therefore in Hindu society, still, there is a prostitute class. They are allowed... They do not allow it within the society. I mean to say, extravagant sex life. Especially spiritual life. Spiritual life means gradually forget sex life. Material life means sex life. In the spiritual world there is no sex life because there is no birth, there is no death. That is stated in Bhāgavata. Although the women are very, very beautiful, many thousand times more beautiful than here... Their stature...


Image *The inhabitants of Vaikuṇṭha give first preference to the service of the Lord, not their own sense gratification. Serving the Lord in transcendental love yields such transcendental pleasure that, in comparison, sense gratification is counted as insignificant*   Srila Prabhupada also stated that Iskcon is  Vaikuntha Morning Walk -- December 15, 1973, Los Angeles: Prabhupāda: No, I am not in hell. I am with the devotees, so how can I say I am in hell? (break) Narottama dāsa Ṭhākura says, tāṅdera caraṇa sevi bhakta-sane vās: "My duty is to serve my guru and live with the devotees." That is Kṛṣṇa's grace. "My mission is to serve my guru, but live with the devotees." tāṅdera caraṇa sevi bhakta-sane vāsjaname janame hoy ei abhilāṣ "This is my desire life after life." A guru or bhakta does not aspire that he is going to Vaikuṇṭha, Kṛṣṇa. "Never mind." But their only desire, his only desire, is that to serv...

Role model

Greatest role model for devotee woman is Mother Yashoda who stopped her household duties to relish the pastimes of Krsna.  Kṛṣṇa’s activities are always very attractive to devotees. Therefore the neighbors, who were friends of mother Yaśodā, informed mother Yaśodā of whatever they saw Kṛṣṇa doing in the neighborhood. Mother Yaśodā, just to hear about the activities of her son, stopped her household duties and enjoyed the information given by the neighborhood friends. Srimad Bhagavatam 10.8.28

Do women require initiation?

Since by serving the devotee husband, a chaste wife advances in Spiritual life. Why is the necessity of Initiation in Spiritual life?  The vedic process is perfect,  simply by serving husband faithfully one advances in Spiritual life. We (fallen souls of kali yuga) aren't perfect, we make mistakes in the Service to husband because  of material contamination. So initiation is required to purify the soul of material contamination.   Same thing with chanting the holy names of the Lord is perfect enough to liberate oneself why do we need Initiation from a bonafide Spiritual master?  Srila Prabhupada answers this in purport to Cc Adi 7.76  . It may therefore be questioned why there is a necessity for initiation or further spiritual activities in devotional service for one who engages in the chanting of the holy name of the Lord. The answer is that although it is correct that one who fully engages in chanting the holy name need not depend upon th...

Why Gandhari and Mandodari are glorified in Srimad Bhagavatam?

Saubalinī, or Gāndhārī, daughter of King Subala and wife of King Dhṛtarāṣṭra, was ideal as a wife devoted to her husband. The Vedic civilization especially prepares chaste and devoted wives, of whom Gāndhārī is one amongst many mentioned in history. ( Srimad Bhagavatam 1.13.30)  Not only was mother Sītā powerful, but any woman who follows in the footsteps of mother Sītā can also become similarly powerful. There are many instances of this in the history of Vedic literature. Whenever we find a description of ideal chaste women, mother Sītā is among them. Mandodarī, the wife of Rāvaṇa, was also very chaste. Similarly, Draupadī was one of five exalted chaste women. As a man must follow great personalities like Brahmā and Nārada, a woman must follow the path of such ideal women as Sītā, Mandodarī and Draupadī. By staying chaste and faithful to her husband, a woman enriches herself with supernatural power.(SB 9.10.27 purport) Despite their husbands Drthirastra ( Materialistic...

Dealings between husband and wife

Śrīla Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued: After informing Bhavānī in this way, Lord Śiva began to drink the poison, and Bhavānī, who knew perfectly well the capabilities of Lord Śiva, gave him her permission to do so. Srimad Bhagavatam 8.7.41 The dealings between the husband and wife as exemplified by Lord Siva and Parvati devi. Before executing a task Lord Siva informed his wife and sought her permission. Wife is regarded as minister. Just like king wouldn't take any decisions without consulting minister. Similarly husband should consult with his wife before taking any task. That's a proper relationship.

Sex in Spiritual life

Devotional Service is defined as the engagement of senses in the service of the Lord Krsna, Hrsikesa. (Master of all senses) Srila Rupa Goswami's Upadeshamrta, first verse indicates one who can tolerate the urges of the senses is qualified to make disciples. In the commentary on that verse Srila Prabhupada has written, In a similar manner, the urges of the genitals , the sex impulse, can be controlled when not used unnecessarily. The genitals should be used to beget a Kṛṣṇa conscious child, otherwise they should not be used. The Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement encourages marriage not for the satisfaction of the genitals but for the begetting of Kṛṣṇa conscious children. As soon as the children are a little grown up, they are sent to our gurukula school, where they are trained to become fully Kṛṣṇa conscious devotees. Many such Kṛṣṇa conscious children are required, and one who is capable of bringing forth Kṛṣṇa conscious offspring is allowed to utilize his genitals. If...