The woman who engages in the service of her husband, following strictly in the footsteps of the goddess of fortune, surely returns home, back to Godhead, with her devotee husband, and lives very happily in the Vaikuṇṭha planets.
By serving one's husband faithfully, a chaste wife enters pati loka (she follows the path of her husband) she reaches the same destination as that of her husband.
Patiloka is not separate place, if a wife serves her husband sincerely, husband becomes a pure devotee in this lifetime, he goes back to Godhead, then she also follows the same destination of going back to Godhead without separate endeavour. If husband is not a devotee, she reaches the same destination of her husband be it hellish or heavenly planets. If a wife is devotee, and chaste wife then Krsna arranges a suitable destination according to her advancement of Krsna Consciousness.
If a woman is attached to her husband, at the time of death thinks of her husband, then next birth she will receive a Male body.
SB 3.31.41, Translation and Purport:
A living entity who, as a result of attachment to a woman in his previous life, has been endowed with the form of a woman, foolishly looks upon māyā in the form of a man, her husband, as the bestower of wealth, progeny, house and other material assets.
From this verse it appears that a woman is also supposed to have been a man in his (her) previous life, and due to his attachment to his wife, he now has the body of a woman. Bhagavad-gītā confirms this; a man gets his next life's birth according to what he thinks of at the time of death. If someone is too attached to his wife, naturally he thinks of his wife at the time of death, and in his next life he takes the body of a woman. Similarly, if a woman thinks of her husband at the time of death, naturally she gets the body of a man in the next life. In the Hindu scriptures, therefore, woman's chastity and devotion to man is greatly emphasized. A woman's attachment to her husband may elevate her to the body of a man in her next life, but a man's attachment to a woman will degrade him, and in his next life he will get the body of a woman. We should always remember, as it is stated in Bhagavad-gītā, that both the gross and subtle material bodies are dresses; they are the shirt and coat of the living entity. To be either a woman or a man only involves one's bodily dress. The soul in nature is actually the marginal energy of the Supreme Lord. Every living entity, being classified as energy, is supposed to be originally a woman, or one who is enjoyed. In the body of a man there is a greater opportunity to get out of the material clutches; there is less opportunity in the body of a woman. In this verse it is indicated that the body of a man should not be misused through forming an attachment to women and thus becoming too entangled in material enjoyment, which will result in getting the body of a woman in the next life.
She, who does not fail in her duty to her husband, having her thought, speech and body well-controlled, reaches her husband’s regions; and is called ‘good’ by all gentle-men.—(163).
By such conduct, the woman, having her thought, word and body well controlled, obtains excellent fame in this world, and also her husband’s region in the other world.—(164).
This adage is from chandogya upanisad, spiritual master is the personification of vedas. Living vedas, his actions are in terms of sastra, closely observe the activities of divine spiritual master, you will realise that each of his behaviour has a reason. Once I saw my Guru Mahārāja was touching the earth at the tulasi plant after our tulasi arati while watering Tulasi devi. I did follow, later when I was reading Hari Bhakti vilasa, I came across glories of earth beneath the tulasi plant. (Tulasi mula mittika) The Glories of Tulasé's Wood and Earth In the Skanda Puräëa it is said: "Touching the earth at Tulasé's roots is equal to ten million pilgrimages. One should carefully keep some of this earth in his home. "A person who at his death is anointed with Tulasé earth is invisible to Yamaräja. Yamaräja cannot even see him, even if he has committed a hundred sins. "When a person places Tulasé earth on his head, all obstacles that trouble him perish. All the plan...
A series on marriage could be religious trap.... In traditional backgrounds young girls are trapped in marriage ceremony and lead a miserable life. Marriage is always a pompous ceremony in every other culture, in India it has become a religious and legal threat to woman. From countless stories of child marriages, domestic abuse to divorce cases, India still hopes marriage would be sweet dreams in reality it turns out to be a wild nightmare for young girls.. Modern day feminism is just effect or consequence of such unhappy women resorting to live a independent life. Young girls these days aren't afraid to be single rather afraid to enter marriage bond. We are witnessing women abuse everywhere, despite having lot of ngos supporting women security and protection, still we couldn't change the fate of girls being trapped into marriage. Yet profound awareness is risen among our girls to have aaan education that willll support their economy.. let's consider pros and cons of i...
When Srila Prabhupāda said, if marriage is failure then 90% of chances are due to woman's lack of submissiveness. Submissiveness is innate asset for women. Modern education and training in contemporary society raised woman to rebel against the male authority in our life, be it father, husband or son. As, it has been aptly put by HG Jagannathesvari mataji in her book, The four goals of family life, A woman becomes more beautiful not by wearing nice ornaments rather becoming submissive. A beautiful wife without submissiveness is jewelled snake, beauty attracts man, character captures a man. If you wish to save your marriage, ladies, here is the tip, learn the art of submissiveness. Submissiveness means submission, submitting to your husband. A pristine quote from Srila Prabhupāda, However great a woman may be, she must place herself before her husband in this way; that is to say, she must be ready to carry out he...
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