Successful marriage requires submissive wife
When Srila Prabhupāda said, if marriage is failure then 90% of chances are due to woman's lack of submissiveness. Submissiveness is innate asset for women. Modern education and training in contemporary society raised woman to rebel against the male authority in our life, be it father, husband or son. As, it has been aptly put by HG Jagannathesvari mataji in her book, The four goals of family life,
A woman becomes more beautiful not by wearing nice ornaments rather becoming submissive. A beautiful wife without submissiveness is jewelled snake, beauty attracts man, character captures a man.
If you wish to save your marriage, ladies, here is the tip, learn the art of submissiveness. Submissiveness means submission, submitting to your husband.
A pristine quote from Srila Prabhupāda,
However great a woman may be, she must place herself before her husband in this way; that is to say, she must be ready to carry out her husband’s orders and please him in all circumstances. Then her life will be successful. (Srimad Bhagavatam 9.3.10)
Prabhupāda gave the extreme example from the life of a young princess who married an old sage. Happy are the woman who gives herself completely to her husband without reservation.
Submissiveness doesn't decrease your value as a woman. Wrongly feminist misconstrue that a submissive housewife will be considered as doormat. By learning the art of submissiveness, a woman conquers her husband, protects the family and caters to a healthy children. If you rebel, you set a bad example for your children who rebel to their authorities.
Important aspect in krsna's design of Varnasrama society is to inculcate the attitude of submissiveness and service to all members of the society, ultimately submitting to God. Egoistic persons are always in anxiety, they can never be peaceful. The entire chaos in the current situation is because none wants to submit to authority and everyone becoming their own authority. This is called as democracy (demon crazy).
Art of submissiveness involves 5 aspects:
1, Ready to serve
2, willingness to correct
3, eager to learn
4, spontaneous to adapt
5, letting go of things beyond our control
Today, I submit this offering upon the lotus of Lord Nityānanda Raya, who is the emblem of humility and as cool as thousands of moon. May we all pray to seek the mercy of nitai, without which we can never attain the lotus feet of Radha and Krsna. A devotee woman can cultivate the humility by submitting to one's husband and protecting your marriage, as a service to Guru and Gauranga! For a chaste wife, it is natural to become a good devotee of Kṛṣṇa. Being obedient to Krsna's Varnasrama dharma.
Hare Kṛṣṇa!!!!
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