Power of Inspiration

Power of inspiration
Srila prabhupada often mentioned that women class are power of inspiration for men. 
lets analyse this statement with various examples from vedic scriptures how women 
inspired men? 
the Supreme feminine energy is Srimati Radharani who inspires the Supreme lord and never 
ending transcendental competition between krsna and radha, both defeating each other. the 
ultimate god is not one but two RadhaKrsna, Sita Rama, Lakshmi Narayana,etc. in this way 
the personalities of godhead are addressed with their feminine counterparts. Everything in 
the material world is the reflection of spiritual world. even in the transcendental realm, 
women serve as inspiration for men. the same phenomenon exists in the mortal world 
pervertedly. same like a reflection of mirror or image in a water, although looks alike it is 
unreal. the principle of attraction between male and female is not false, mirror image of 
transcendental attraction. You cannot say a mirror image is false, you can't accept it as real 
either, because it has no independent existence. 
The male and female living together constitute the sum and substance of material existence. 
The attraction between male and female in this material world is very strong. In all species of 
life the attraction between male and female is the basic principle of existence. The same 
principle of intermingling is also in human society, but is in a regulative form. Sb 4.29.85p 
The attraction between male and female is the basic principle of material existence. On the 
basis of this misconception, which ties together the hearts of the male and female, one 
becomes attracted to his body, home, property, children, relatives and wealth. In this way one 
increases life's illusions and thinks in terms of "I and mine." 
PURPORTSex serves as the natural attraction between man and woman, and when they are 
married, their relationship becomes more involved. Due to the entangling relationship 
between man and woman, there is a sense of illusion whereby one thinks, "This man is my 
husband," or "This woman is my wife." This is called hṛdaya-granthi, "the hard knot in the 
heart." This knot is very difficult to undo, even though a man and woman separate either for 
the principles of varṇāśrama or simply to get a divorce. In any case, the man always thinks of 
the woman, and the woman always thinks of the man. Thus a person becomes materially 
attached to family, property and children, although all of these are temporary. The possessor 
unfortunately identifies with his property and wealth. Sometimes, even after renunciation, one 
becomes attached to a temple or to the few things that constitute the property of a sannyāsī, 
but such attachment is not as strong as family attachment. The attachment to the family is the 
strongest illusion. In the Satya-saṁhitā, it is stated:brahmādyā yājñavalkādyāmucyante strī-
sahāyinaḥbodhyante kecanaiteṣāṁviśeṣam ca vido viduḥSometimes it is found among exalted 
personalities like Lord Brahmā that the wife and children are not a cause of bondage. On the 
contrary, the wife actually helps further spiritual life and liberation. Nonetheless, most people 
Power of inspiration
are bound by the knots of the marital relationship, and consequently they forget their 
relationship with Kṛṣṇa. 
The women can channel their innate feminine energy to inspire men or destroy them if 
needed just as Sita devi destroyed Ravana. The problem in modern society is feminism, which 
destroys the powerful feminine energy by trying to equating men with women and engaging 
them in all tasks which even men do. feminism has vitiated feminine energy, the consequences 
are visible, women are more vulnerable. Because of the influence of feminism, women 
learned to be equal with men in all respects; dress, education, occupation, and have lost their 
femininity. feminism is robbing young women of vital “femininity”. it is more subtle.
What is feminine energyFeminine energy is soft, fluid, allowing, and nurturing. It is sensual 
and emotional. Feminine energy is receptive therefore empathetic and flexible. It has the 
ability to go with the flow. And most of all the feminine energy is healing because it is 
expressed through the subtle realm.Masculine energy on the other hand is focused, goal-
oriented, stable, strong, structured, logical, driven, and expressed through the physical 
realm.rivers are named in feminine gender. Rivers are feminine in nature.The rivers are 
figuratively described as wives of the oceans and seas because they glide down to the oceans 
and seas as tributaries, like the wives attached to their husbands. sb 7.4.17 
“‘O Lord Kṛṣṇa, You are just like an ocean. The river of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī has reached You 
from a long distance—leaving far behind the tree of Her husband, breaking through the 
bridge of social convention, and forcibly crossing the hills of elder relatives. Coming here 
because of fresh feelings of love for You, that river has now received Your shelter, but now 
You are trying to turn Her back by the waves of unfavorable words. How is it that You are 
spreading this attitude?’” 
the same attraction between the male and female which acts as a binding force in this 
material world can be streamlined to serve as an inspiring feminine energy. As Srila 
Prabhupada writes, Sometimes it is found among exalted personalities like Lord Brahmā that 
the wife and children are not a cause of bondage. On the contrary, the wife actually helps 
further spiritual life and liberation.In this article we are going to focus on this aspect, how can 
a woman be a source of liberation? Prabhupada is talking about exalted personalities like 
Brahma, Siva, vasistha, janaka etc, always accompanied by their consorts. generally, in indian 
women, pray to such demigoddess by performing various rituals, to invoke that feminine 
energy,like varalakshmi vrata etc. For Lord Brahma or Siva there is no need of renunciation, 
their wives help them in spiritual life. As far as normal human beings are concerned, we are 
expected to follow the course of Varnasrama dharma, brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha 
and sannyasa. gradual detachment from material life. If one has got a helpful wife at home, 
there is no need to take sannyasa. (letter by sp)How does a wife inspire her husband ?by 
dressing and manners (barhismati, wife of puranjana) service attitude (queens of 
dwaraka)cooking (Srimati Radharani)managing family affairs (draupadi)in crisis (Damayanti,sita)in spiritual life (visnu priya, arundhati, anasuya)bringing up the children (kunti)faithful 
follower (Gandhari)It is the duty of the wife to dress herself up very nicely so that when her 
husband returns home he becomes attracted by her dress and cleanliness and thus becomes 
satisfied. In other words, the wife is the inspiration of all good intelligence. Upon seeing one's 
wife dressed nicely, one can think very soberly about family business. When a person is too 
anxious about family affairs, he cannot discharge his family duties nicely. A wife is therefore 
supposed to be an inspiration and should keep the husband's intelligence in good order so 
that they can combinedly prosecute the affairs of family life without impediment.SB 
4.27.2, To maintain such a life of strict vigilance, one needs encouragement from his wife. In 
the varṇāśrama-dharma system, certain classes, such as the brāhmaṇas and sannyāsīs, do not 
need encouragement from the opposite sex. Kṣatriyas and gṛhasthas, however, actually need 
the encouragement of their wives in order to execute their duties. Indeed, 
a gṛhastha or kṣatriya cannot properly execute his responsibilities without the association of 
his wife. Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu personally admitted that a gṛhastha must live with a 
wife. Kṣatriyas were even allowed to have many wives to encourage them in discharging the 
duties of government. The association of a good wife is necessary in a life of karma and 
political affairs. To execute his duties properly, therefore. Mahārāja Priyavrata took advantage 
of his good wife Barhiṣmatī, who was always very expert in pleasing her great husband by 
properly dressing herself, smiling, and exhibiting her feminine bodily features. Queen 
Barhiṣmatī always kept Mahārāja Priyavrata very encouraged, and thus he executed his 
governmental duty very properly. In this verse iva has twice been used to indicate that 
Mahārāja Priyavrata acted exactly like a henpecked husband and thereby seemed to have lost 
his sense of human responsibility. Actually, however, he was fully conscious of his position as a 
spirit soul, although he seemingly behaved like an acquiescent karmī husband. sb 5.1.29 
gṛha-dāsikāḥ Thus, by renouncing all material association and practicing austere penances, 
we queens have all become personal maidservants of the self-satisfied Supreme Lord. sb 


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