What is the need for Varnasrama dharma in a spiritual society?

What is the need for Varnasrama dharma in a spiritual society? 

Srila Prabhupada said that remaining 50% of his mission is yet to accomplish. "To establish daivi Varnasrama dharma." Even after accepting the principal of pure devotional service, sravanam kirtanam etc, so many of disciples succumb to Maya, illusory energy. 
Not everyone can immediately give up sense gratification. 

The system of Varnasrama dharma gradually elevates the conditioned souls to the platform of pure devotional service. Pure devotee has no need to undergo rules and regulations of Varnasrama dharma. 

Those who take the license of married life for sense enjoyment must also take the responsibility to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Viṣṇu, and the first stepping-stone is the varṇāśrama-dharma system. Varṇāśrama-dharma is the systematic institution for advancing in worship of Viṣṇu. However, if one directly engages in the process of devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it may not be necessary to undergo the disciplinary system of varṇāśrama-dharma. The other sons of Brahmā, the Kumāras, directly engaged in devotional service, and thus they had no need to execute the principles of varṇāśrama-dharma.SB 3.13.11, Purport

Brahmacaris, Grhastha- brahmacaris, vanaprasatha and sannyasis there is no need to undergo any purificatory ritual (samskara). Because they are situated in practicing and propagating Krsna consciousness. For others, who are unable to control their senses, accept the license of sex in the form of marriage, (vivaha samskara). Unlawful sense gratification or enjoying senses without taking responsibility is sinful, cannot be dovetailed in devotional service. In order to avoid degradation in the valuable human form of life, Varnasrama dharma is created by the supreme Lord himself to facilitate regulated sense enjoyment in Vedic literatures for the conditioned souls. 

catur-varnyam maya srstam
tasya kartaram api mam
viddhy akartaram avyayam

Bhagavad Gita 4.13

In this way the conditioned soul, by earning wealth according to dharma, engaging that earned wealth to primarily to worship Visnu and secondarily to enjoy regulated sense enjoyment, gradually loses his tendency to sense gratification and aims to attain liberation from the material world through loving devotional service. 

Unlawful sense gratification or violation of Vedic injunctions are like adding fuel to the fire. Senses can never be satisfied by sense objects.

ye hi samsparsa-ja bhoga
duhkha-yonaya eva te
ady-antavantah kaunteya
na tesu ramate budhah

Bhagavad Gita 5.22

An intelligent person does not take part in the sources of misery, which are due to contact with the material senses. O son of Kunti, such pleasures have a beginning and an end, and so the wise man does not delight in them.


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