Is wifehood a slavery ?

 Wife should be maidservant of husband ( in mental disposition) it is not that husband has to treat the wife like one. Wife and husband has equal rights but good people don’t take advantage of it. 

The natural law is that the human being may take advantage of these godly gifts by nature and satisfactorily flourish on them without being captivated by the exploitative motive of lording it over material nature. The more we attempt to exploit material nature according to our whims of enjoyment, the more we shall become entrapped by the reaction of such exploitative attempts. Sb 1.8.40 

Crooked people misconstrue the statements made in the scriptures to suit their ulterior motives. to avoid this anomaly, Vedic literatures and holy scriptures were protected by the disciplic succession. Vedic aphorisms can be interpreted in many ways. The acharya or spiritual master coming from a bonafide parampara and he himself is properly following the sampradaya, correctly presents these statements for the welfare of all the people. Sastra is not for people in general, because they cannot understand them in proper context. Even the very clear statements in Srila prabhupada’s books might be controversial. our aim is not just to distribute the books to clear off the stack or earn money to support the institution, to induce people accept the path of krsna consciousness. Definitely, prabhupada books are transcendental and spiritually viable whoever comes in contact with will be benefitted. Although there are many ways people comes to know about krona consciousness, but the primary means is through books and Srila prabhupada wanted this to the main medium of preaching yukti. And his disciples expounding the works of their spiritual master following the parampara and Vedic literatures for their disciples. thats the way of Guru Sisya Parampara. Women sudras and dvija bandhus were prohibited to study sastra for this reason, intelligence has to be trained by the bonafide spiritual master. by the service to the spiritual master, one gains affinity to spiritual knowledge.

“Only unto those great souls who have implicit faith in both the Lord and the spiritual master are all the imports of the Vedic knowledge automatically revealed.” (Śvetāśvatara Upaniṣad 6.23)



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