Practical tip to attain inner peace

Preserve God-given serenity, don't lose it for others. We already have serenity within us, we must not let others and our ownsleves to destroy our peace of mind. Here are the seven things that destroy your inner peace. 

1, Attachment to person 
2, Clinginess to petty things
3, Unrealistic expectations
4, Worrying about future
5, Lack of spiritual wisdom
6, Negative emotions
7, Bad association

Attachment to Person: 

Get attracted towards personality than person. Everyone dwindles in due course of time. 

Clinginess to petty things: 

Be courageous enough to give up petty things to attain higher happiness. Unless you give away things that disturbs you, you can never attain inner peace.

Unrealistic expectations: 

Ideals which we hold in our heart is holding our inner peace. Maintain realistic expectations. 

Worrying about future: 

Never Trust future however pleasant.  Success favors a person who utilise his present time. 

Lack of spiritual wisdom: 

Without touch with transcendence through Bhagavd Gita , bible, Quran or any scripture without hearing instructions from God, one can never be peaceful by being materialistic. 

Negative emotions: 

Check your emotions, curb negative emotions through the culture of positive emotion, such as desiring good for others, selflessness, serving others, etc.. Don't allow Negative emotions, hatred, anger, deceit, pride, envy and bad desire to curb your inner peace.  

Bad association: 

Avoid malicious people, cut them from the life. Those who are envious of your happiness,  jealous of your possession, poison your mind and put you into difficulties.  


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