Stay fit! stay Healthy!!

Everything should be regulated in devotional service. Just like eating. Eating is necessary to remain fit, but too much eating means disease and too little eating means starving. One must adjust things properly, that is the program of Krsna Consciousness.

Srila prabhupada letter to Jadurani, 16 Nov 1970.

Today, we are going to discuss, one of six vital principles in Krsna consciousness, 
Tat Tat karma pravartanat - doing whatever necessary for transformation our daily activities 
(Karma means action,  doing necessary activities, pravartana means transformation or change) that will encourage our enthusiasm, confidence and endurance.

Sometimes we have to push ourselves to transform our life for devotional service. 

Mostly all the devotees because of their hygienic rituals, remain healthy. Personally I have realised, after coming into Kṛṣṇa consciousness, as we give away bad habits, regulate eating, sleeping, mating and defending, we are less prone to infections. 

No meat eating - will decrease the cause of infectious diseases, or obesity. 
No intoxication- helps maintain healthy vital organs 
No gambling - frees us from mental pressure 
No illicit sex- frees us from deadly sexually transmitted diseases. 

Fasting regularly, eating twice a day, raising early, cooking home prepared meals etc will keep us healthy even from the physical point of view without extraneous endeavour. 

Devotees are generally not health conscious. 

Here as I am addressing women who often busy in taking care of others, neglect their own health. Priotize your needs to. Sometimes it's completely fine to take your time to replenish yourself to increase your enthusiasm. Hiring a maid to clean, having a mother to cook, allocating few chores, will help us relax and concentrate on ourselves. I often say, be realistic,  we can't replicate the behavior of great personalities like Devahuti,  because she is great mystic. She can go on without eating and still remain steady without collapsing. 

# Put your body to rest, take atleast 30 minutes everyday for yourself (go out for walk, spend time with your friends,  do something that makes you happy). 

 # Cook your favourite food palatably so everyone in your family enjoys too. 

 # Take calcium,  vitamin and mineral supplements. 

# Regulate your health, optimal weight, blood sugar, blood pressure,  menstrual cycle, thyroid and major common concerns. Keep checking them regularly. These common disorders are linked with stress. 

# Keep eye on emotions,  whether you're feeling sluggish, drowsy or lack of energy.

# Maintain ideal body weight. 

 # If you have a caring spouse, discuss your concerns with him. Otherwise silently take care of yourself without exasperation. 

# Instead of complaining,  save that time to do something to solve a problem. Often women laments, mourns no one takes notice of their efforts. Self care is best. Only you have you and everyone in your family has you. 

# Have a optimistic view to life.


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