
Showing posts from December, 2022

Stay fit! stay Healthy!!

Everything should be regulated in devotional service. Just like eating. Eating is necessary to remain fit, but too much eating means disease and too little eating means starving. One must adjust things properly, that is the program of Krsna Consciousness . Srila prabhupada letter to Jadurani, 16 Nov 1970. Today, we are going to discuss, one of six vital principles in Krsna consciousness,  Tat Tat karma pravartanat - doing whatever necessary for transformation our daily activities  (Karma means action,  doing necessary activities, pravartana means transformation or change) that will encourage our enthusiasm, confidence and endurance. Sometimes we have to push ourselves to transform our life for devotional service.  Mostly all the devotees because of their hygienic rituals, remain healthy. Personally I have realised, after coming into Kṛṣṇa consciousness, as we give away bad habits, regulate eating, sleeping, mating and defending, we are less prone to infec...

Principles upheld by chaste women

Shiva Purana  Chapter 54 - Description of the duties of the chaste wife Section 2.3 - Rudra-saṃhitā (3): Pārvatī-khaṇḍa   Brahmā said :— 1. Then the seven sages spoke to the lord of the mountains—“O mountain, make arrangements for the journey of your daughter today itself.” 2. O great sage, on hearing these words and knowing her pangs of separation, the lord of mountains was greatly affected by his love towards her and remained silent for a short while. 3. After some time, the lord of the mountains regained his consciousness and said—“Let it be so”. He then sent the message to  Menā . 4. O sage, on hearing the message of the mountain, Menā was both delighted and sorry. She immediately set about arranging for her journey. 5. O sage, Menā, the beloved of the mountain, made arrangements for all kinds of festivities in accordance with the tradition of her family and the injunctions of the  Vedas . 6. She bedecked  Pārvatī  with twelve kinds of ornam...

Principles of Chastity #5 Wife as fortress

 A Chaste wife guards her husband, just as commander in chief, guards his king.  Let's begin this from a quote,  SB 3.14.20, Translation :  As a  fort  commander very easily conquers invading plunderers, by taking shelter of a wife one can conquer the senses, which are unconquerable in the other social orders. A man who has wife is always in a safer side, whenever there is a attack on the body by vicious senses,  a chaste wife protects him from becoming involved in illicit sex. Otherwise a unguarded men go to prostitutes or corrupt chaste women, which is again illicit sex. The famous adjunct says, sayanesu rambha, one of the duties of a wife is give heavenly sense pleasure like that of heavenly prostitute rambha to her husband thereby satisfying the senses of husband and protecting him from straying away. The wife acquires sin on the part of her if she fails to fulfil this duty. Although prostitution was socially acceptable immo...

Practical tip to attain inner peace

Preserve God-given serenity, don't lose it for others. We already have serenity within us, we must not let others and our ownsleves to destroy our peace of mind. Here are the seven things that destroy your inner peace.  1, Attachment to person  2, Clinginess to petty things 3, Unrealistic expectations 4, Worrying about future 5, Lack of spiritual wisdom 6, Negative emotions 7, Bad association Attachment to Person:  Get attracted towards personality than person. Everyone dwindles in due course of time.  Clinginess to petty things:  Be courageous enough to give up petty things to attain higher happiness. Unless you give away things that disturbs you, you can never attain inner peace. Unrealistic expectations:  Ideals which we hold in our heart is holding our inner peace. Maintain realistic expectations.  Worrying about future:  Never Trust future however pleasant.  Success favors a person who utilise his present time.  Lac...

No austerity is equal to a peaceful mind!

Happy is a husband whose wife's peaceful. Having said that, I would like to begin this article, on section:  key to successful marriage is peaceful wife. Srila Prabhupāda has stated 90% marriage fail because of women's weakness. What is that, Prabhupāda is referring to? What could be the weakness which destroys our marriage?  tato viniḥśvasya satī vihāya taṁ śokena roṣeṇa ca dūyatā hṛdā pitror agāt straiṇa-vimūḍha-dhīr gṛhān premṇātmano yo 'rdham adāt satāṁ priyaḥ ll Srimad Bhagavatam 4.4.3  The womanly weakness is stated in this verse by Sukadeva Goswami, Soka - sorrow Rosa- anger. Even a strong woman such as Sati wife of Lord Shiva is overcome by weakness of heart, to say nothing about wordly mortals.  Yaanaikkum Adi Sarukkum  யானைக்கும் அடி சறுக்கும். Even elephants do slip. Even the mighty do slip. Everyone faces up and downs in life, due to influence of time even a strong person is defeated.   Key to cure the disease, is to identify th...

Who is a feminist?

Yes, this important question needs to be addressed.   Feminist is a person who demands equal rights,  opportunities and facilities to a woman same as that a man enjoys. A Feminist proclaims divorce rights, financial independence, right to remarry without social pressure, equal paycheck, menstruation equality,  equal career opportunities etc., the facilities that has been enjoyed by men in vedic culture.  Without aware of the consequences, these kind of people, create a class of morally degraded woman. For example,  man may cheat a woman is still expected to be faithful.  Men may re marry after divorce,  women who remarries will be criticised. They couldn't comprehend any reasonable cause, for these kind of beliefs which our vedic Culture taught us.  Often,  people get confused with poor abandoned women who are working for living, as Feminist or a women who works to support family in crisis or compensate the expenses. No, these women are ...